Friday, January 30, 2009

Deep thought on day 1

Now I cant completely take credit for this thought but it is an idea i have been throwing around. About 2 months ago Greg, a friend of mine, and I were sitting in his dorm room up at cmc just talking and I don't even know how we got on to the subject but we started talking about this game called runesape. We both used to play the game about 2 years ago but then stopped as we got older. We started talking about ways we could make money in that game and discovered a way that was just to easy. Since runesape has been cracking down on real life trading, meaning people trading in game money for real life money, they put in a system called the Grand Exchange. This system basically connected you to every one in runescape and works a lot like the stock market. You put in the item you were selling and the price and some body would put in an order for an item along with there price. This saves so much time because in the olden days of runescape you would have to sit at a bank and type selling some quantity of a some item at this price. You could sell any thing for any price. Not with the grand exchange. Now the prices of all items are set within a price range thats based on the previous days volume of that item along with the price it was sold for. Still with me. read it over a couple of times. Because of this there is a simple flaw in the system that with a group of people with enough runescape money could very well use to make loads and loads of money. Do you see it. Maybe not and thats ok too. with 6 billion gp, dollars, of runescape money a group of people could buy up 5 days worth of an item in 1 day. then sell it the next day at a much higher price then they bought it for making profit in the billions. With a group of 10 individuals they could each pay 600 million gp and double there profits to about 1.2 billion in 2 runs of this system. Meaning if they bought up 5 days worth and sold the next day 2 times they would double there money. Sounds pretty good to me. I just don't have time to play the game. Any body out there who has the time and energy to put this plan into action go right ahead.
Thats my first deep thought please comment on what you think. I would love to have a discussion on this topic.

First Blog Post

I was reading a good friend of mine's blog when an idea hit me. Why not write a blog of my own. I started thinking what would make it Uniquely Wyatt, A term my parents have coined. I though why not make a blog about every day of my life for a whole year and see how many days the horoscope in my towns newspaper was right and how many it was wrong. But just doing that wouldn't make a very interesting blog now would it. So on top of that I plan on writing posts about deep thoughts I had during the day.
Todays Horoscope for Gemini
Your heart is in the right place and your ability to put others at ease will help you get your point across. However be careful not to let loved ones dump responsibilities in your lap!
4 out of 5 stars day.
Day from start to end
Woke up at 7 this morning.
Went to work at 8:40 ish
Worked for 6.5 hours.
Hopped on a bus with perfect timing. meaning the bus arrived at the bus stop at the exact same time as I did.
Got home and found out my friend's Garret and Cody had called and texted me wondering if I had gotten my computer back yet. My reply was yes.
They picked me up at 4.
We played Warcraft 3 the Frozen Thrown for about 4.5 hours.
Got home to an empty house.
Started a blog at about 10:30 PM.
Not completely sure were that leaves my horoscope. I guess thats 1 day down of my horoscope not being on.